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Application for Registration as an Independent Healy World Member

1. Acceptance

1.1 By submitting this Application for Registration, an applicant applies to operate as an Independent IHVM (hereinafter referred to as “IHWM”) on the Terms and Conditions set forth in this document and in the Independent IHVM Contract. Upon acceptance of this Application for Registration by Healy, a binding contractual relationship comes into effect between (i) the individual identified on this Application for Registration (hereinafter referred to as “you”) and (ii) Healy International B.V. as corporation legally established and existing under the laws of the Netherlands, having its registered address at Paterswoldseweg 806, 9728 Groningen under Registration Number BTW-ID: 858024068 CCI Nr.: 69816875 (hereinafter referred to as “IHVM Contract”).

1.2 The IHVM Contract consists of and includes all the terms incorporated in (i) this Application for Registration, (ii) the renewal form(s) which may be executed by you as IHVM, (iii) the Compensation Plan, (iv) the Rules of Conduct in effect at the time you execute this Application for Registration, and (v) any modification to the Compensation Plan and/or Rules of Conduct which become effective during the term of the IHVM Contract

1.3 Healy reserves the full right to accept or reject, in its sole discretion, this Application for Registration.

1.4 To become a duly authorized IHVM, an applicant should (i) provide all the documents and details as set out by Healy require to comply with the KYC process to confirm his identity, (ii) complete, sign and submit this Application for Registration, (ii) pay if applicable, the annual fee required by Healy as a lump sum reimbursement for administrative and web services rendered by Healy.

1.5 Healy may accept this Application for Registration by forwarding an acceptance to you by appropriate delivery.

1.6 If Healy rejects this Application for Registration, Healy will notify you, as applicant, and refund any sums you, as applicant, paid to Healy in connection with this Application for Registration, provided (i) this Application for Registration is in full compliance with all other requirements for becoming IHVM and (ii) you return any official Healy literature to Healy, at Healy’s expense.

1.7 As a IHVM you have the full right to rescind the IHVM Contract, with immediate effect, without any penalty or liability and without having to cite any reason, by providing written notice to Healy within 14 calendar days after Healy has notified you acceptance of this Application for Registration. In such case Healy will refund to you any sums you paid to Healy in connection with the conclusion of the IHVM Contract.

2. Term

2.1 Except in case of earlier termination or renewal of the IHVM Contract or resignation of you as an IHVM, the IHVM Contract expires automatically on December 31 of the calendar year of acceptance by Healy, if accepted on or before June 30, or on December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the year of acceptance hereof by Healy, if accepted on or after July 1.

2.2 The IHVM Contract may be renewed annually, for one year, by submitting a renewal request to Healy with the payment of the required annual business renewal fee by December 31 of the year preceding the year to which the renewal refers, if such a fee applies.

2.3 Healy reserves the full right to reject or revoke your Application for Renewal of the IHVM Contract.

3. Relationship to Healy

3.1 The IHVM Contract may not be construed as creating an employment, franchise or other dependent relationship between you and Healy. Under the terms of the IHVM Contract, you act strictly and exclusively as an independent contracting party.

3.2 As an IHVM you shall (i) comply with any applicable law, the responsibilities and requirements set forth in the IHVM Contract and any codes that apply to the operation of an independent Healy Business and (ii) avoid any activity that may negatively affect the reputation of Healy, the Healy products and other IHVMs. Healy reserves the full right to request evidence of such compliance.

3.3 As an IHVM you are allowed to use the Healy name or trademarks, or other intellectual property rights belonging to or licensed to Healy only with Healy’s prior express written consent. Any authorization granted by Healy for this purpose constitutes a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable license.

3.4 As an IHVM you shall (i) not perform any action that could infringe upon Healy’s trademarks and copyrighted works or other intellectual property rights belonging to or licensed to Healy or undermine Healy’s goodwill associated thereto, (ii) not use any trademarks similar to Healy’s trademarks in the course of your Healy Business and (iii) not promote or falsely associate any third party’s trademarks and copyrighted works with the Healy’s trademarks and copyrighted works.

3.5 As an IHVM you bear the responsibility for any expenses arising in connection with the official registration and the running of an independent Healy Business. Healy has neither demanded any efforts on your part in terms of time or money, nor has Healy agreed to compensate you for the time and expense associated with the running of an independent Healy Business.

4. Benefits as an IHVM

As an IHVM you receive substantial benefits, provided you are in full compliance with the provisions of the IHVM Contract. Such benefits include, without limitation, (i) the right to purchase Healy products through Healy, on a non-exclusive basis, at IHVM cost, (ii) the right to sponsor others to become IHVMs and promote Healy products, (iii) the right to qualify for bonuses, other rewards and/or recognition under the Healy Compensation Plan, (iv) use of Healy’s trademarks, copyrighted works and other intellectual property in accordance with the Healy Rules of Conduct, and (v) a variety of support.

5. Confidentiality

5.1 Any information and trade secret relating to Healy products, the Healy Business Opportunity and the Line of Sponsorship (the term “Line of Sponsorship” refers to all IHVMs with their sponsorship relationships as established and tracked by Healy in accordance with the terms of the IHVM Contract), including, without limitation, data relating to IHVMs and registered customers, is strictly confidential, owned exclusively by Healy and shall at all times remain the property of Healy.

5.2 Unless otherwise stated, as an IHVM you (i) do not own any right in any confidential information according to section 5.1, (ii) shall take all reasonable and appropriate measures to safeguard such information and maintain the confidentiality thereof and (iii) shall only use such confidential information to the extent and for the purposes authorized in the IHVM Contract and in the course of performance of the IHVM Contract.

5.3 Upon earlier termination or non-renewal of the IHVM Contract or resignation of you as an IHVM, you shall promptly return to Healy all such information in your possession and immediately discontinue any further use thereof.

6. Termination

6.1 As an IHVM you have the full right to terminate the IHVM Contract, at any time prior to expiration, with immediate effect, by written communication to Healy.

6.2 Healy has the full right to terminate the IHVM Contract, at any time prior to expiration, with immediate effect, by written communication to you, for severe breach that has occurred, occurs or is threatened to occur on your side.

7. Product Purchase

7.1 A specific, clear and detailed description of any product offered by Healy, including properties, price, and availability of the product, is provided in the official Healy literature and on the official Healy website.

7.2 Healy reserves the full right to abrogate or suspend any product or line of products and modify, from time to time, the price of any product offered by Healy.

7.3 Purchases of Healy products are pursuant to the respective Terms and Conditions.

8. Business Support Material (“BSM”)

Purchasing Business Support Material is optional and may not be required as a condition to becoming or remaining IHVM.

9. Non-competition

As a IHVM you shall (i) not sell or attempt to sell non-Healy products functionally interchangeable with Healy products to an IHVM whom you have not personally sponsored, whether or not targeted at profit, (ii) not induce, attempt to induce or encourage an IHVM whom you have not personally sponsored, to sell such products, whether or not targeted at profit, (iii) not take advantage of your knowledge of or association with another IHVM whom you did not personally sponsored, including your knowledge resulting from or relating to your individual Line of Sponsorship, in order to promote the sale of non-Healy products functionally interchangeable with Healy products to an IHVM whom you did not personally sponsored, whether or not targeted at profit, and (iv) not take advantage of any Healy promoted event or media, whether or not targeted at the benefit of the IHVMs, to sell, promote or profit from the sale or promotion of non-Healy products.

10. Modification

10.1 Healy reserves the full right to modify the terms of the IHVM Contract, in whole or in part, from time to time, by providing notice of such changes in official Healy literature, including the official Healy website, or by any other mechanism permitted under applicable law.

10.2 Any modification shall be effective from the date expressed in the notification, but no sooner than four (4) weeks after notification, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.

11. Non-Assignment

Neither the IHVM Contract as a whole, nor the individual rights and obligations derived from the IHVM Contract, may be assigned, delegated or otherwise transferred by you without Healy’s prior express written consent.

12. Applicable Law

The formation, construction, interpretation and enforceability of the IHVM Contract and all claims arising from or relating to the IHVM Contract are governed by the laws of the Netherlands.

13. Severability

If one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions are or become invalid or void, the validity of the remaining provisions is not thereby affected.

Version: July 2021

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